Learn From Our Experts

Hear from our insurance experts on topics
relevant to your business.


  • Reducing Your Risk of a Claim

    Reducing Your Risk of a Claim

    From fluctuating market conditions to demanding clients, real estate professionals face various types of challenges every day. But among these challenges, the risk of a claim is one of the…

  • Understanding Key Exclusions in Legal Malpractice Insurance Policies

    Understanding Key Exclusions in Legal Malpractice Insurance Policies

    No two legal malpractice policies are the same, so it’s crucial to understand the specific policy exclusions to ensure you have the right protection for your firm. The legal doctrine,…

  • The Importance of Insurer Financial Strength in Legal Malpractice Insurance Providers

    The Importance of Insurer Financial Strength in Legal Malpractice Insurance Providers

    One critical factor to consider when purchasing legal malpractice insurance is the insurance company’s financial strength. Since legal malpractice insurance (sometimes referred to as “long tail insurance”) often has claims…

  • Counsel Selection and Defense Duties in Legal Malpractice Coverage

    An essential aspect of legal malpractice insurance is the duty to defend and the selection of counsel in the event of a claim. Depending on the size of the law…

  • Understanding Claims in Real Estate

    Understanding Claims in Real Estate

    The world of real estate offers plenty of opportunity for growth and development. But even if you take the utmost care to provide excellent service to your clients, there will…

  • Insured’s Consent to Settle: Types of “Hammer” Clauses 

    Insured’s Consent to Settle: Types of “Hammer” Clauses 

    An attorney’s reputation is considered one of their most valuable assets, which is why legal malpractice insurance policies require the insured consent to settlement before the insurer can settle the…

  • Navigating Professional Liability Insurance Deductibles

    Navigating Professional Liability Insurance Deductibles

    Professional liability insurance is an essential safeguard for lawyers, protecting you from legal malpractice claims and disciplinary actions. When selecting your insurance policy, understanding the role of deductibles is crucial.

  • Demystifying Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Limits for Lawyers

    Demystifying Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Limits for Lawyers

    Professional liability insurance is an indispensable safeguard for lawyers. It offers financial protection in the event of malpractice claims and disciplinary actions. When selecting a professional liability insurance policy, understanding…

  • Ensure Your Firm’s Integrity: Disciplinary Proceedings Coverage for Lawyers

    Ensure Your Firm’s Integrity: Disciplinary Proceedings Coverage for Lawyers

    Since, as a lawyer, clients rely on your expertise and ethical conduct, your professional reputation and integrity are paramount. But even the most diligent professionals may find themselves facing disciplinary…

  • Navigating Real Estate as a Side Hustle

    Navigating Real Estate as a Side Hustle

    For many individuals, real estate offers an enticing opportunity to pursue a side hustle while still maintaining a primary career or other obligations. Whether you’re looking to earn some extra…

  • Extending Protection: A Guide to Extended Reporting Periods

    Which States Require Real Estate Professionals to Carry E&O Insurance?

    While most states do not require real estate professionals to carry errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, there are a select few that do. E&O, or professional liability, insurance provides financial…

  • A hand holding a glowing shield.

    Extending Protection: A Guide to Extended Reporting Periods

    As a lawyer, you understand how paramount professional liability insurance is in safeguarding your legal practice. It’s your armor against potential legal malpractice claims that may arise in the course…

  • What Happens After I’m Already Insured?

    What Happens After I’m Already Insured?

    As a real estate professional, you understand the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with your career. Safeguarding your livelihood and assets is of the utmost importance. Errors and omissions…

  • Step Rating and Your Premium

    Lawyers’ professional policies are written on a claims-made basis, and claims-made policies are step rated. This means that, if an attorney has no prior acts exposure, it can be expected…

  • A magnifying glass hovering over a wooden building.

    How Can Insurance Help Cover Diverse Real Estate Transactions?

    In the world of real estate, where transactions vary, the role of a real estate professional is nothing short of multifaceted. Whether you’re working with residential properties, commercial spaces, agent-owned…

  • How Does My E&O Policy Grow as My Business Expands?

    How Does My E&O Policy Grow as My Business Expands?

    We know that price is a large, if not the largest, factor in purchasing E&O insurance, so we want you to have at least a rough idea of the type…

  • Real estate professional with a clipboard and question marks above their head imagining their real estate firm.

    What Questions Should I Ask When Shopping for E&O Insurance?

    Deciding where to insure your firm can be overwhelming. You want to make sure your business is fully protected, but sometimes it’s hard to even know where to start. Of…

  • Real estate professional counting money to give their insurance broker for their errors and omissions policy premium.

    How Much Does Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance Cost?  

    We know that price is a large, if not the largest, factor in purchasing E&O insurance, so we want you to have at least a rough idea of the type…

  • Real estate professional showing their clients a holographic house.

    What Insurance Coverage Do I Need When Starting My Own Real Estate Firm?

    Are you a real estate professional who is thinking about creating or beginning to start your own real estate firm? If so, what an exciting journey you’re about to take!…

  • Cybercriminal creates a ransomware attack on the data of a frustrated real estate professional.

    Why is Cyber Insurance Essential to My Business?

    The real estate market is a prime target for cybercriminals. With the US real estate market being worth approximately $226.8 billion in 2022, hacking into databases and stealing information about…

  • Errors and omissions premium protecting a real estate professional’s firm from claims.

    What Does My E&O Policy Cover?

    Managing the risk exposure for your firm through insurance is vital to avoiding or mitigating risk and effectively dealing with problems if they do occur. But between all the insurance…

  • A Sign of the Times: The Effects of COVID-19 and Inflation on Real Estate

    A Sign of the Times: The Effects of COVID-19 and Inflation on Real Estate

    A lot has changed over the past two and a half years, and real estate is no exception. Even though business was still booming during the height of the pandemic,…

  • Reducing Your Risk

    Reducing Your Risk

    Being a real estate professional comes with its fair share of risk. If you give what your client considers misleading advice, you could have a claim filed against you. A…

  • Growing Business Leads to Growing Premium

    Growing Business Leads to Growing Premium

    Most real estate professionals have seen an increase in their revenue over the past year due to the effects of COVID-19 and inflation (read about these in our other blog…

  • Think Your Business Is Too Small to Get Hacked? Think Again.

    Think Your Business Is Too Small to Get Hacked? Think Again.

    If you’re thinking cybercriminals aren’t interested in small businesses like yours, you’re unfortunately wrong. Over 50% of small businesses experienced at least one cyberattack in 2019. And according to recent…

  • Protecting Your Personal Property: What You Should Know

    Protecting Your Personal Property: What You Should Know

    You’ve probably heard the stories of the wedding ring left in the hotel room after the family vacation, lost in the ocean during the honeymoon, or even falling down the…

  • Ransomware: What Business Owners Should Know

    Ransomware: What Business Owners Should Know

    Cyberattacks are grabbing headlines and keeping many business owners up at night wondering if they will be next. The reality is that since the world went into COVID-19 lockdown and…

  • Lower Your Workers' Compensation Premiums With Smart Risk Management Practices

    Lower Your Workers’ Compensation Premiums With Smart Risk Management Practices

    If you are a business owner with employees, then you are familiar with workers' compensation insurance. Even if you are a sole proprietor, you may carry a policy to protect…

  • Don't Leave the Dock Without It

    Don’t Leave the Dock Without It

    The temperatures are warming and the water looks inviting! Spring is in the air, and boats are everywhere. If you’re considering buying a boat, or putting a boat on the…

  • Avoid Risk by Avoiding Promises: An E&O Best Practice

    Avoid Risk by Avoiding Promises: An E&O Best Practice

    A real estate agent marketed a commercial property that included street-level retail and residential units on the upper two floors. The residential units were producing a steady stream of revenue,…

  • The High Cost of Low Coverage

    The High Cost of Low Coverage

    Money is tight for many of us with limited relief coming anytime soon. The thought of saving a bit wherever you can is very tempting—but choose wisely. When you consider…

  • Don't Skip a Rung in Ladder Safety

    Don’t Skip a Rung in Ladder Safety

    If you're like many other homeowners, you probably have a DIY project in some stage of construction in your backyard, basement, or even attic. Or perhaps you're one of the…

  • Insurance 101 for Small Business Owners

    Insurance 101 for Small Business Owners

    Operating a small business in the current climate is incredibly challenging. For some, it has sadly been impossible. For many, staying afloat has meant pivoting to other lines of business…

  • Top Five Winter Safety Tips for Your Car

    Your personal vehicle is likely well-prepared for the clear roads and blue skies of summer, but it might not be ready to tackle winter's heavy snowfalls, icy streets, and decreased…

  • Business Owners Should Take a Few Extra Precautions During the Colder Months

    Business Owners Should Take a Few Extra Precautions During the Colder Months

    Every season comes with its own risks, and winter is no different. The common elements of cold, snow, and ice may hit some areas of the country harder than others,…

  • Protect Your Home from These Holiday Hazards

    Protect Your Home from These Holiday Hazards

    The holiday season is officially upon us, and unfortunately, many of our seasonal traditions present a special set of risks for homeowners each year. As you gear up for the…

  • Change of Season Brings New Claims Risks

    Change of Season Brings New Claims Risks

    With daylight savings time and cooler temperatures marking the change of season for much of the country, weather remains a concern for business owners. Not only do you have the…

  • How to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents

    How to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents

    A slip and fall accident may be amusing in slapstick comedy, but in reality, it's no joke. Slips and falls account for a significant number of injuries to customers and…

  • 6 Essential Fall Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

    6 Essential Fall Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

    There are probably a lot of activities on your fall to-do list, like picking apples, drinking pumpkin-spiced lattés, and taking hikes to enjoy the fall foliage. While you're enjoying autumn's…

  • Are Your Employees Using Their Personal Vehicles for Work?

    Are Your Employees Using Their Personal Vehicles for Work?

    If you answered "yes" to this question, then you may want to check your insurance coverage to see if you're protected from possible claims. Even with a commercial auto policy…

  • Car Maintenance Checklist for Road Trips

    Car Maintenance Checklist for Road Trips

    Whether you want to visit friends and family or you're just ready for a change of scenery, the urge to pack up and hit the road can sound awfully tempting.…

  • 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Firm's Insurance

    5 Ways to Save Money on Your Firm’s Insurance

    Insurance is a necessary business expense, but there are ways to reduce your premiums if your bottom line needs a little boost. Here are five quick and easy ways to…

  • How to Build an Accessible Website

    How to Build an Accessible Website

    Website accessibility is a concept many organizations take for granted. While many websites are built with the assumption that all users can see or hear the content being presented, some…

  • How to Prepare for Severe Weather

    How to Prepare for Severe Weather

    The early summer months are the perfect time to go outside and enjoy the warmer weather. But for much of the country, late spring and early summer also bring a…

  • Captive Agent vs. Broker: What's the Difference?

    Captive Agent vs. Broker: What’s the Difference?

    To pick the right insurance company for your specific business needs, it's important to understand the different types of professionals that make up the insurance industry. Largely, there are two…

  • How to Pick the Right Insurance Agent for Your Business

    How to Pick the Right Insurance Agent for Your Business

    There are many qualified insurance agents and brokers who are available to you. And, unfortunately, there are also plenty of folks who have passed a licensing exam that really have…

  • How to Recognize a Phishing Attack

    How to Recognize a Phishing Attack

    In a world of ransomware and data theft, phishing attacks remain one of the biggest cybersecurity threats to businesses. According to the FBI’s 2017 cybercrime report, fraudulent emails resulted in…

  • 6 Worst Password Ideas You Should Avoid

    6 Worst Password Ideas You Should Avoid

    In the Mel Brooks classic Spaceballs, there's a scene where the main villain, Dark Helmet, remarks on the stupidity of using a password like "12345," remarking it's the kind of…

  • How to Stay Secure on WiFi Networks

    How to Stay Secure on WiFi Networks

    Whether you're working from home or a hotel, it's important to exercise caution with wireless networks. If you are running a wireless router at home, make sure you are using WPA…

  • Marijuana Legalization & the Office: Creating a Policy

    How to Create a Marijuana Policy for Your Office

    Once only theorized, marijuana legalization becomes more of a reality every year with more states passing legislation allowing for its medical and/or recreational use. To date, 11 states—and Washington, D.C.—have…

  • 4 Signs It's Time to Look for a New Insurance Broker

    4 Sure Signs It’s Time to Look for a New Insurance Broker

    Knowing how to select a commercial broker is helpful, and we will dive into that in a separate post. But what if you already have a broker and are less…

  • 7 Cybersecurity Tips for Working Remotely

    7 Cybersecurity Tips for Working Remotely

    Employees working remotely is trending upward in recent years with employers becoming more open to the concept. While having the choice of your work environment may seem like a great…

  • 6-Spring-Cleaning-Tips-for-Your-Home

    6 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Home

    As warmer weather thaws the snow and ice outside, hibernation is finally coming to an end. Springtime is a season of renewal and rebirth, but it can also come with…

  • Picking the Right Insurance Agent Could Save You Thousands

    Picking the Right Insurance Agent Could Save You Thousands

    A few years ago, a new owner of a tunnel wash operation in the Midwest had the misfortune of having a customer whose vehicle was damaged in their tunnel. At…

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    Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Recognize Employees

    What if you held the power to increase your company's productivity without spending a dime? Pish posh! That seems impossible. Actually, it's far from impossible, and it's quite simple. We…

  • The Jock Tax and Other Weird Tax Laws

    5 Bizarre U.S. Tax Laws

    In your years as an accountant, you’ve likely come across tax laws that have left you furrowing your brow and shaking your head. It’s easy to get frustrated by our…

  • How to Boost a Property’s Value with Lawn Care

    How to Boost a Property’s Value with Lawn Care

    April was National Lawn Care Month. And though the event is now over, recent research shows that yards are too important for real estate professionals to ignore: 79% of Americans…

  • Our Fair Housing Act Overview for Realtors

    Raising Awareness of Fair and Equitable Housing Issues

    The Fair Housing Act (FHA) was passed over 50 years ago, but we continue to recognize its importance each year during the month of April. The significance of this legislation…

  • Life v. Work: Work-Life Integration Tips for Lawyers

    Your Most Important Win: Life v. Work

    Lawyers are known for their stressful profession—the demanding hours and struggle for work-life balance. That's why being family-friendly has even become a recruiting point for some firms. But what if…

  • Make the Most of Your Accounting Internship Program

    How to Ensure a Five-Star Rating for Your Internship Program

    Most of us can probably recall that internship in college when we made coffee, moved boxes, and filed endless stacks of paper. We added it to our resume, but did…

  • Women in Real Estate Who Are Making Waves

    Women Making Waves in Real Estate

    March is women's month, and we can't let it pass without giving a shout out to all the fierce ladies slaying the real estate industry one property at a time.…

  • The Future for Women in Law

    The Future for Women in Law [Infographic]

    What does the future hold for women in law? Check out our infographic to see the current representation of women in the legal field and how law firms are addressing…

  • Your Tax Season Survival Guide

    Your Tax Season Survival Guide

    Tax season officially started on January 28. …cue hair pulling and pillow screaming… Okay, maybe that's over-exaggerating just a bit. But we're sure you've had moments during tax season where…

  • Boost Sales with Minimalist Staging

    Boost Sales with Minimalist Staging

    As real estate agents, it's your business to know what's trending in the marketplace, so it's probably not a surprise to hear today's home buyers are attracted to a balance…

  • Upgrade Your Downtime with These Legal Podcasts

    Upgrade Your Downtime with These Legal Podcasts

    The life of a lawyer is a busy one. So busy, in fact, that stealing a few minutes for yourself throughout the day can feel impossible. But what about those…

  • How to Succeed in the Succession Planning Process

    Secure Your Future with Effective Succession Planning

    Who Are Your Firm's Future Leaders? For many senior professionals, thinking about who will succeed them and determining their exit plan and next phase of their life often brings about…

  • Succession Planning for Accounting Firms

    Future-Proof Your Business with a Succession Plan

    Don’t leave the future to chance. Succession planning has been an important topic for many years, but it's become a bigger concern as Baby Boomers retire. Just look at an…

  • Our Top Mobile Apps for Lawyers

    Mobile Apps That’ll Make Your Legal Career Easier

    Complete everyday tasks on the go. Client meetings. Travel. Court appearances. Emails. Long phone calls. Document reviews. Research. Sound familiar? If your typical day contains any of the above items,…

  • The Myth of Real Estate Flipping for Profit

    The Myth of Flipping Property for Passive Profit

    Ah… is there anything better than making a few (thousand) easy bucks doing something that’s already in your career’s wheelhouse? Thanks in part to television shows like those found on…

  • healthy-homes

    Healthy Homes

    Rethinking how we live indoors and out. Most of us equate our homes with warmth, safety, and security. It's often the one place we feel most comfortable and able to…

  • accountants-cybercrime

    Counting the Cost: CPAs and Cybercrime

    Don’t get caught off guard. Our economy grows more reliant on technology by the day, and there’s no sign of it slowing down. While our hyperconnected world provides plenty of…

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    Do You Have the Right?

    Listing photography licensing and use. In our digital world, pictures are used more and more to communicate a feeling, a look, or even a message. A post to social media…

  • legal-concierge-services

    Law and Luxury: The Rise of Concierge Services

    As society evolves, so do client needs. The legal field has roots dating back to ancient Greco-Roman times. But while some aspects of law practice will remain consistent no matter…

  • 6 Practical Tips for Managing the Generation Z Accountant

    6 Practical Tips for Managing the Generation Z Accountant

    Your accounting firm is in a good place. You've finally figured out how to manage millennials, and now, you have three (or more!) generations working together in relative harmony. But…

  • How Airbnb Has Changed the Real Estate Industry

    Love It or Hate It…

    Airbnb Has Changed the Face of Real Estate. Airbnb may have started out as an air mattress on the floor of a San Francisco loft, but the online booking service…

  • How the Personal Touch Benefits Accountants

    The Power of the Personal Touch

    Technological convenience may cost more than you think. The rise of technology has blown open the door of opportunity for everyone—including the competition. Though leveraging the benefits of the digital…

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    E-Discovery Transforms the Legal Landscape

    E-discovery frees lawyers to do what they do best: litigation. If you’re not using e-discovery in your practice, you may be putting your firm and clients at risk. Whether working…

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    5 Principles to Bring 3 Generations Together

    Find unity in shared experiences. What does it take to manage a team with ages that range from 18 to 62? While you may face challenges in merging and guiding…

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    Fight Data Breaches at Your Real Estate Firm

    Stand tall against cybercrime. Prospective buyers take virtual tours of listings from the comfort of their homes. When you're working a deal, you likely use a digital app to collect…

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    Case Study: CPA Steers Customers Toward a Ponzi Scheme

    Double-check your references. As you strive to generate referrals, you do your best to provide outstanding customer service. But you could open the door to liability if you step outside…

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    Case Studies: Make Sure the Licenses Line Up

    Don’t let history repeat itself. You check your paperwork 10 times to make sure it's accurate. You clear room in your schedule to answer clients' questions. You're thorough, and you…

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    Set the Ground Rules for Wire Transfers

    Refuse to become the next victim—demand a phone call. Scammers are inserting themselves into transactions with a level of unprecedented sophistication. These scammers can duplicate email addresses, steal letterhead, and…

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    6 Social Media Rules for Accountants

    Think before you type. While technology gives accountants new ways to communicate with clients and colleagues, it can bring privacy and confidentiality risks. So, let’s dive into the pitfalls of…

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    9 Ways to Boost Your Mood During Tax Season

    Keep your stress in check. The phone rings and rings. New messages flood your inbox. Your calendar fills up with consultations. You explain the new GOP tax law for the…

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    Social Media for Lawyers: Facebook Edition

    Go social and go big. When it first launched, Facebook was written off as a place for young folks to rant and post selfies. It was supposed to come and…

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    Real Estate Risk Management Roundup

    Don't make these same mistakes. You can never have too much safety. When you work a real estate deal, you might even check the fine details ten times to make…

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    A Quick Account: How Frank J. Wilson Took Down Al Capone

    When forensic accounting toppled a crime lord. Al Capone's gang ran Prohibition-era Chicago with an iron fist. Capone and his cohorts racked up an estimated $100 million1 per year through…

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    Looking Back to See the Future of Privacy Laws

    Policy and law adapt as new technologies emerge. Self-driving cars, 3D printing, and the all-encompassing Internet of Things (IoT) are exciting, futuristic frontiers. As with other mass-market technology introduced in…

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    How to Sell Historic Homes

    Let the years tell a story. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "We are not makers of history. We are made by history." Perhaps this is why historic homes hold a…

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    Embracing the Age of Accounting Automation

    Technology holds the key to your career path. A word like automation might make you think of apocalyptic wars between humans and machines. And as an accountant, you've probably worried…

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    Will Artificial Intelligence Take Over the Field of Law?

    Hop on the AI wave. Classic science fiction is full of inaccurate predictions. Humans haven't colonized Venus, families don't own personal rocket ships, and time travel remains a distant dream.…

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    Comfort Letters – What to Do?

    Requests for comfort letters from loan underwriters and other parties have generated significant buzz in the accounting community. The topic has garnered considerable attention on NSA Tax Talk and local AICPA's tax…

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    Simple Steps to Set up a Docket and Calendar System

    Organize, prioritize, and prosper. Docketing is a critical process for any law firm, from the solo proprietor who only handles real estate closings, to the mega-firm with a broad range…

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    Case Study: A Violation of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act

    Always practice within the law. A mortgage brokerage firm had an arrangement with a lender who paid the firm based on the number of referrals received. The brokerage firm was…

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    4 Blogs to Hone Your Law Expertise

    Expand your knowledge. Or just have a quick laugh. We've combed the news outlets, journals, and professional (and not-so-professional) law blogs to collect the best ideas, news, and hot topics.…

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    5 Blogs to Bolster Your Accounting Career

    Read to succeed. What do marijuana, busy season, Uber, and auditing all have in common? Well, not a whole lot, unless you really stretch your imagination. However, we're turning to…

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    3 Volunteering Opportunities for Accounting Wizards

    Make a difference. How can your skills as a CPA transfer into the world of volunteering? Check out our infographic and see how your accounting skills can benefit volunteer organizations…

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    Data Analytics and Your Law Firm

    Roll with the changes. The digital landscape is constantly evolving; can your law firm keep up? Check out our infographic for more on the ever-changing world of technology and how…

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    A Trio of Top-Notch Apps for Next-Level Realtors

    Organize and manage with ease. For real estate professionals, managing your client list and properties can be a daunting task. Check out our infographic for information on how to simplify…

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    Sharpen Your Sword for Snapchat Legal Battles

    Don't ignore the power of Snapchat evidence. In "The Art of War," Sun Tzu wrote, "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." From…

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    Bean Bags Won’t Impress Millennial Accountants

    Upgrade your tech and transparency. If you picture all millennials as trend-hopping youngsters dressed in funny hats and crazy glasses, you should adjust your mental image. Many members of this…

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    5 Steps to Fight Stress During Tax Season

    Stay on your A-game. The barbaric invaders stomp across your brain. They carry torches and pitchforks, and they have strange names like Child Credit, Reinvested Dividends, and Charitable Contributions. You…

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    A Lawyer’s Guide to Data Analytics

    How to use “big data” for your firm. It’s no secret that the legal field seems to be behind on data trends. Apart from its effectiveness in measuring the basics—like…

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    Avoid Wire Transfer Scams in 8 Steps

    Stop cyber thieves in their tracks. During real estate transactions, hackers attempt to divert closing proceedings from attorneys, banks, title companies, and REALTORS®. These thieves compromise the email accounts of…

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    Know the Rules of Engagement

    Always leave a paper trail. Too often, attorneys cite great client relationships as their reason for not using official letters. But even long-time clients may second-guess your work or the…

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    4 Steps to Selling an “Unlovable” Property

    The struggle is real. Despite an improving housing market, it’s no secret that the majority of real estate agents have had—at one time or another—a long-standing face-off with a stubborn…

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    Avoid Tax-Related Claims with Continued Education

    A real-life claim situation. Countless accountants pursue comprehensive continued education to prevent harmful claims. If you stay current with ever-changing tax laws, you create an extra layer of protection for…

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    How to Give Legal Advice at Social Gatherings

    Protect your friendships from legal bias. Between succulent bites of ham and sips of eggnog, the holidays are typically spent catching up with old friends and extended relatives. Though this…

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    How to Ignite Success During Winter Home Showings

    Don't let the season dampen your resolve. Winter is a dreary time for home sales, but the added challenge doesn't mean you should abandon hope. If you take these guidelines…

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    Moving Beyond the Spreadsheet

    Big data and the future of business intelligence tools. Like most professions, accounting has been fundamentally altered by modern computer technology. As an accountant, you keep your work organized, productive,…

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    Questions Every CPA Should Be Prepared to Answer

    Know what your customers are thinking. Have you ever experienced a job interview where the questioning was more like an interrogation than a conversation? As an accountant, you've probably sat…

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    The Dos and Don’ts of Holiday Staging

    It's that time of year again. Holiday music is filling the airwaves, and twinkling lights are making every street shimmer. But amidst the holiday cheer, realtors are faced with a…

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    5 Essential Steps for Effective Succession Planning

    Plan today, retire comfortably tomorrow. You can’t pass the torch when no one’s waiting for it. Though you may not want to step away from practicing law, you’ll need to…

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    Referrals May Glitter, But They’re Not All Gold

    You don’t have to accept every customer. You exhaust the possibilities to expand your client base, face new career challenges, and get a leg up on your competition. But you…

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    5 Steps to Take When a Claim Threatens Your Career

    Call, write, and stay proactive. Your client taps her nails on the chair as she sits in the customer lounge. She’s been waiting there for half an hour, because your…

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    4 Devastating Accounting Disasters

    When you cook the books, you pay the price. The word disaster often brings forces of nature to mind: hurricanes assaulting coastal cities, tornadoes wreaking havoc across the Midwest, and…

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    Keys for Managing Real Estate Risk

    With great profits come great risks. Few industries know this better than the real estate industry. If you take the proper steps to prevent errors, satisfy your clients, and implement…

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    CPAs and Cybersecurity

    Cybercriminals are always hunting for identity theft victims. It is becoming increasingly important for you to take proactive measures to protect your clients' personal and financial information. It doesn't matter…

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    What New Attorneys Need to Know About Professional Liability

    If you want a long and successful legal career, professional liability insurance is just as important as landing new clients and winning cases. Before you begin to practice law, you…

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    What New CPAs Need to Understand About Professional Liability Insurance

    As a CPA, your career will revolve around your clients' financial losses and gains. If you make any mistakes that cost your clients money, their response may cost you, too.…

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    Reasons Why Law Firms Fail

    Every single year in the United States, law firms close up shop and send lawyers scrambling in search of new jobs. As you navigates the trials and tribulations of the…

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    Errors & Omissions Risk Reduction Checklist

    As real estate transactions become more complex, it's important for real estate professionals to protect themselves from personal liability risks. In the current market, unhappy clients are quick to pursue…

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    How to Keep Your Law Firm Financially Secure

    Financial security is no longer a guarantee for established law partners at powerful firms, let alone lawyers with brand new practices. Thanks to a variety of increasingly common factors, including…

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    How CPA Firms Can Reduce Their Professional Liability Costs

    Most CPAs who have been in business for ten or more years will have faced at least one professional lawsuit. While you may not be able to prevent legal claims…

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    8 Unexpected Steps to a Prosperous Real Estate Career

    A thriving real estate career—that's the dream, right? But how do you get there? Most savvy professionals understand it takes drive, passion, a commitment to great customer service, and an…

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    Don’t Buy E&O Insurance Until You’ve Asked the Broker These Questions

    Real estate is a complex industry. In addition to regularly dealing with expensive properties, real estate professionals also have to handle sensitive data, including legal documents and personal information, among…

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    Common E&O Insurance Mistakes

    Do you think general liability insurance for your real estate business covers all of your risks? If so, you may be in for an expensive surprise. General liability insurance leaves…

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    7 Ways to Reduce Errors & Omissions Risk for Your Firm

    Risk management is an essential part of any real estate firm's business model. Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance protects you from claims of negligence or misrepresentation, but you can also…
