

  • Navigating Professional Liability Insurance Deductibles

    Navigating Professional Liability Insurance Deductibles

    Professional liability insurance is an essential safeguard for lawyers, protecting you from legal malpractice claims and disciplinary actions. When selecting your insurance policy, understanding the role of deductibles is crucial.

  • Demystifying Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Limits for Lawyers

    Demystifying Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Limits for Lawyers

    Professional liability insurance is an indispensable safeguard for lawyers. It offers financial protection in the event of malpractice claims and disciplinary actions. When selecting a professional liability insurance policy, understanding…

  • Ensure Your Firm’s Integrity: Disciplinary Proceedings Coverage for Lawyers

    Ensure Your Firm’s Integrity: Disciplinary Proceedings Coverage for Lawyers

    Since, as a lawyer, clients rely on your expertise and ethical conduct, your professional reputation and integrity are paramount. But even the most diligent professionals may find themselves facing disciplinary…

  • A hand holding a glowing shield.

    Extending Protection: A Guide to Extended Reporting Periods

    As a lawyer, you understand how paramount professional liability insurance is in safeguarding your legal practice. It’s your armor against potential legal malpractice claims that may arise in the course…

  • Step Rating and Your Premium

    Lawyers’ professional policies are written on a claims-made basis, and claims-made policies are step rated. This means that, if an attorney has no prior acts exposure, it can be expected…

  • Think Your Business Is Too Small to Get Hacked? Think Again.

    Think Your Business Is Too Small to Get Hacked? Think Again.

    If you’re thinking cybercriminals aren’t interested in small businesses like yours, you’re unfortunately wrong. Over 50% of small businesses experienced at least one cyberattack in 2019. And according to recent…

  • Ransomware: What Business Owners Should Know

    Ransomware: What Business Owners Should Know

    Cyberattacks are grabbing headlines and keeping many business owners up at night wondering if they will be next. The reality is that since the world went into COVID-19 lockdown and…

  • Lower Your Workers' Compensation Premiums With Smart Risk Management Practices

    Lower Your Workers’ Compensation Premiums With Smart Risk Management Practices

    If you are a business owner with employees, then you are familiar with workers' compensation insurance. Even if you are a sole proprietor, you may carry a policy to protect…

  • Insurance 101 for Small Business Owners

    Insurance 101 for Small Business Owners

    Operating a small business in the current climate is incredibly challenging. For some, it has sadly been impossible. For many, staying afloat has meant pivoting to other lines of business…

  • Business Owners Should Take a Few Extra Precautions During the Colder Months

    Business Owners Should Take a Few Extra Precautions During the Colder Months

    Every season comes with its own risks, and winter is no different. The common elements of cold, snow, and ice may hit some areas of the country harder than others,…

  • Change of Season Brings New Claims Risks

    Change of Season Brings New Claims Risks

    With daylight savings time and cooler temperatures marking the change of season for much of the country, weather remains a concern for business owners. Not only do you have the…

  • How to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents

    How to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents

    A slip and fall accident may be amusing in slapstick comedy, but in reality, it's no joke. Slips and falls account for a significant number of injuries to customers and…

  • Are Your Employees Using Their Personal Vehicles for Work?

    Are Your Employees Using Their Personal Vehicles for Work?

    If you answered "yes" to this question, then you may want to check your insurance coverage to see if you're protected from possible claims. Even with a commercial auto policy…

  • 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Firm's Insurance

    5 Ways to Save Money on Your Firm’s Insurance

    Insurance is a necessary business expense, but there are ways to reduce your premiums if your bottom line needs a little boost. Here are five quick and easy ways to…

  • How to Build an Accessible Website

    How to Build an Accessible Website

    Website accessibility is a concept many organizations take for granted. While many websites are built with the assumption that all users can see or hear the content being presented, some…

  • Captive Agent vs. Broker: What's the Difference?

    Captive Agent vs. Broker: What’s the Difference?

    To pick the right insurance company for your specific business needs, it's important to understand the different types of professionals that make up the insurance industry. Largely, there are two…

  • How to Pick the Right Insurance Agent for Your Business

    How to Pick the Right Insurance Agent for Your Business

    There are many qualified insurance agents and brokers who are available to you. And, unfortunately, there are also plenty of folks who have passed a licensing exam that really have…

  • How to Recognize a Phishing Attack

    How to Recognize a Phishing Attack

    In a world of ransomware and data theft, phishing attacks remain one of the biggest cybersecurity threats to businesses. According to the FBI’s 2017 cybercrime report, fraudulent emails resulted in…

  • 6 Worst Password Ideas You Should Avoid

    6 Worst Password Ideas You Should Avoid

    In the Mel Brooks classic Spaceballs, there's a scene where the main villain, Dark Helmet, remarks on the stupidity of using a password like "12345," remarking it's the kind of…

  • How to Stay Secure on WiFi Networks

    How to Stay Secure on WiFi Networks

    Whether you're working from home or a hotel, it's important to exercise caution with wireless networks. If you are running a wireless router at home, make sure you are using WPA…

  • Marijuana Legalization & the Office: Creating a Policy

    How to Create a Marijuana Policy for Your Office

    Once only theorized, marijuana legalization becomes more of a reality every year with more states passing legislation allowing for its medical and/or recreational use. To date, 11 states—and Washington, D.C.—have…

  • 4 Signs It's Time to Look for a New Insurance Broker

    4 Sure Signs It’s Time to Look for a New Insurance Broker

    Knowing how to select a commercial broker is helpful, and we will dive into that in a separate post. But what if you already have a broker and are less…

  • 7 Cybersecurity Tips for Working Remotely

    7 Cybersecurity Tips for Working Remotely

    Employees working remotely is trending upward in recent years with employers becoming more open to the concept. While having the choice of your work environment may seem like a great…

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    Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Recognize Employees

    What if you held the power to increase your company's productivity without spending a dime? Pish posh! That seems impossible. Actually, it's far from impossible, and it's quite simple. We…

  • Life v. Work: Work-Life Integration Tips for Lawyers

    Your Most Important Win: Life v. Work

    Lawyers are known for their stressful profession—the demanding hours and struggle for work-life balance. That's why being family-friendly has even become a recruiting point for some firms. But what if…

  • Make the Most of Your Accounting Internship Program

    How to Ensure a Five-Star Rating for Your Internship Program

    Most of us can probably recall that internship in college when we made coffee, moved boxes, and filed endless stacks of paper. We added it to our resume, but did…

  • The Future for Women in Law

    The Future for Women in Law [Infographic]

    What does the future hold for women in law? Check out our infographic to see the current representation of women in the legal field and how law firms are addressing…

  • Upgrade Your Downtime with These Legal Podcasts

    Upgrade Your Downtime with These Legal Podcasts

    The life of a lawyer is a busy one. So busy, in fact, that stealing a few minutes for yourself throughout the day can feel impossible. But what about those…

  • How to Succeed in the Succession Planning Process

    Secure Your Future with Effective Succession Planning

    Who Are Your Firm's Future Leaders? For many senior professionals, thinking about who will succeed them and determining their exit plan and next phase of their life often brings about…

  • Our Top Mobile Apps for Lawyers

    Mobile Apps That’ll Make Your Legal Career Easier

    Complete everyday tasks on the go. Client meetings. Travel. Court appearances. Emails. Long phone calls. Document reviews. Research. Sound familiar? If your typical day contains any of the above items,…
