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    Law and Luxury: The Rise of Concierge Services

    As society evolves, so do client needs. The legal field has roots dating back to ancient Greco-Roman times. But while some aspects of law practice will remain consistent no matter…

  • 6 Practical Tips for Managing the Generation Z Accountant

    6 Practical Tips for Managing the Generation Z Accountant

    Your accounting firm is in a good place. You've finally figured out how to manage millennials, and now, you have three (or more!) generations working together in relative harmony. But…

  • How the Personal Touch Benefits Accountants

    The Power of the Personal Touch

    Technological convenience may cost more than you think. The rise of technology has blown open the door of opportunity for everyone—including the competition. Though leveraging the benefits of the digital…

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    E-Discovery Transforms the Legal Landscape

    E-discovery frees lawyers to do what they do best: litigation. If you’re not using e-discovery in your practice, you may be putting your firm and clients at risk. Whether working…

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    5 Principles to Bring 3 Generations Together

    Find unity in shared experiences. What does it take to manage a team with ages that range from 18 to 62? While you may face challenges in merging and guiding…

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    Social Media for Lawyers: Facebook Edition

    Go social and go big. When it first launched, Facebook was written off as a place for young folks to rant and post selfies. It was supposed to come and…

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    Looking Back to See the Future of Privacy Laws

    Policy and law adapt as new technologies emerge. Self-driving cars, 3D printing, and the all-encompassing Internet of Things (IoT) are exciting, futuristic frontiers. As with other mass-market technology introduced in…

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    Will Artificial Intelligence Take Over the Field of Law?

    Hop on the AI wave. Classic science fiction is full of inaccurate predictions. Humans haven't colonized Venus, families don't own personal rocket ships, and time travel remains a distant dream.…

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    Simple Steps to Set up a Docket and Calendar System

    Organize, prioritize, and prosper. Docketing is a critical process for any law firm, from the solo proprietor who only handles real estate closings, to the mega-firm with a broad range…

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    4 Blogs to Hone Your Law Expertise

    Expand your knowledge. Or just have a quick laugh. We've combed the news outlets, journals, and professional (and not-so-professional) law blogs to collect the best ideas, news, and hot topics.…

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    Data Analytics and Your Law Firm

    Roll with the changes. The digital landscape is constantly evolving; can your law firm keep up? Check out our infographic for more on the ever-changing world of technology and how…

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    Sharpen Your Sword for Snapchat Legal Battles

    Don't ignore the power of Snapchat evidence. In "The Art of War," Sun Tzu wrote, "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." From…

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    A Lawyer’s Guide to Data Analytics

    How to use “big data” for your firm. It’s no secret that the legal field seems to be behind on data trends. Apart from its effectiveness in measuring the basics—like…

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    Know the Rules of Engagement

    Always leave a paper trail. Too often, attorneys cite great client relationships as their reason for not using official letters. But even long-time clients may second-guess your work or the…

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    How to Give Legal Advice at Social Gatherings

    Protect your friendships from legal bias. Between succulent bites of ham and sips of eggnog, the holidays are typically spent catching up with old friends and extended relatives. Though this…

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    5 Essential Steps for Effective Succession Planning

    Plan today, retire comfortably tomorrow. You can’t pass the torch when no one’s waiting for it. Though you may not want to step away from practicing law, you’ll need to…

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    Referrals May Glitter, But They’re Not All Gold

    You don’t have to accept every customer. You exhaust the possibilities to expand your client base, face new career challenges, and get a leg up on your competition. But you…

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    What New Attorneys Need to Know About Professional Liability

    If you want a long and successful legal career, professional liability insurance is just as important as landing new clients and winning cases. Before you begin to practice law, you…

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    Reasons Why Law Firms Fail

    Every single year in the United States, law firms close up shop and send lawyers scrambling in search of new jobs. As you navigates the trials and tribulations of the…

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    How to Keep Your Law Firm Financially Secure

    Financial security is no longer a guarantee for established law partners at powerful firms, let alone lawyers with brand new practices. Thanks to a variety of increasingly common factors, including…
