
  • Navigating Professional Liability Insurance Deductibles

    Navigating Professional Liability Insurance Deductibles

    Professional liability insurance is an essential safeguard for lawyers, protecting you from legal malpractice claims and disciplinary actions. When selecting…

  • Demystifying Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Limits for Lawyers

    Demystifying Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Limits for Lawyers

    Professional liability insurance is an indispensable safeguard for lawyers. It offers financial protection in the event of malpractice claims and…

  • Ensure Your Firm’s Integrity: Disciplinary Proceedings Coverage for Lawyers

    Ensure Your Firm’s Integrity: Disciplinary Proceedings Coverage for Lawyers

    Since, as a lawyer, clients rely on your expertise and ethical conduct, your professional reputation and integrity are paramount. But…

  • A hand holding a glowing shield.

    Extending Protection: A Guide to Extended Reporting Periods

    As a lawyer, you understand how paramount professional liability insurance is in safeguarding your legal practice. It’s your armor against…

  • Step Rating and Your Premium

    Lawyers’ professional policies are written on a claims-made basis, and claims-made policies are step rated. This means that, if an…

  • Think Your Business Is Too Small to Get Hacked? Think Again.

    Think Your Business Is Too Small to Get Hacked? Think Again.

    If you’re thinking cybercriminals aren’t interested in small businesses like yours, you’re unfortunately wrong. Over 50% of small businesses experienced…

  • Ransomware: What Business Owners Should Know

    Ransomware: What Business Owners Should Know

    Cyberattacks are grabbing headlines and keeping many business owners up at night wondering if they will be next. The reality…

  • Lower Your Workers' Compensation Premiums With Smart Risk Management Practices

    Lower Your Workers’ Compensation Premiums With Smart Risk Management Practices

    If you are a business owner with employees, then you are familiar with workers' compensation insurance. Even if you are…

  • Insurance 101 for Small Business Owners

    Insurance 101 for Small Business Owners

    Operating a small business in the current climate is incredibly challenging. For some, it has sadly been impossible. For many,…

  • Business Owners Should Take a Few Extra Precautions During the Colder Months

    Business Owners Should Take a Few Extra Precautions During the Colder Months

    Every season comes with its own risks, and winter is no different. The common elements of cold, snow, and ice…
