Posts tagged with ‘E&O best practices’

  • A Sign of the Times: The Effects of COVID-19 and Inflation on Real Estate

    A Sign of the Times: The Effects of COVID-19 and Inflation on Real Estate

    A lot has changed over the past two and a half years, and real estate is no exception. Even though…

  • Reducing Your Risk

    Reducing Your Risk

    Being a real estate professional comes with its fair share of risk. If you give what your client considers misleading…

  • Growing Business Leads to Growing Premium

    Growing Business Leads to Growing Premium

    Most real estate professionals have seen an increase in their revenue over the past year due to the effects of…

  • Avoid Risk by Avoiding Promises: An E&O Best Practice

    Avoid Risk by Avoiding Promises: An E&O Best Practice

    A real estate agent marketed a commercial property that included street-level retail and residential units on the upper two floors.…

  • Our Fair Housing Act Overview for Realtors

    Raising Awareness of Fair and Equitable Housing Issues

    The Fair Housing Act (FHA) was passed over 50 years ago, but we continue to recognize its importance each year…

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    Case Studies: Make Sure the Licenses Line Up

    Don’t let history repeat itself. You check your paperwork 10 times to make sure it's accurate. You clear room in…

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    Real Estate Risk Management Roundup

    Don't make these same mistakes. You can never have too much safety. When you work a real estate deal, you…

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    Case Study: A Violation of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act

    Always practice within the law. A mortgage brokerage firm had an arrangement with a lender who paid the firm based…

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    5 Steps to Take When a Claim Threatens Your Career

    Call, write, and stay proactive. Your client taps her nails on the chair as she sits in the customer lounge.…

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    Keys for Managing Real Estate Risk

    With great profits come great risks. Few industries know this better than the real estate industry. If you take the…
